News: Play Rock Paper Scissors... Against Your T-Shirt

Play Rock Paper Scissors... Against Your T-Shirt

Leave it to the Swedes to come up with this incredibly novel idea (a country that seems to constantly produce culture that sits at the pinnacle of hipness- in terms of design, fashion, and music).

Play Rock Paper Scissors... Against Your T-ShirtSwedish magazine publisher T-Post produces wearable magazines, each issue printed directly on a T-shirt.

"Offbeat news + graphic t-shirt = T-post, the world's first wearable magazine. Every six weeks, subscribers receive a new t-shirt in the mail. News story on the inside. Artist interpretation on the front. All-around conversation piece."

The past issues have been fun; nice designs, a very particular aesthetic that appeals to a very particular crowd.

But the most recent issue is extraordinary, truly out of the box. Issue 51 presents a virtual holographic hand that challenges you to an augmented reality game of Rock-Paper-Scissors (when standing in front of a webcam running T-post's special web app).


Scroll down for video.

Play Rock Paper Scissors... Against Your T-Shirt

Play Rock Paper Scissors... Against Your T-Shirt

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ahhhh zombies

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