News: This Is How Amazon's Alexa Works on the Vuzix Blade

This Is How Amazon's Alexa Works on the Vuzix Blade

Last week, we told you about one of the first pairs of augmented reality smartglasses to get Amazon Alexa functionality, and now we're finally getting a look at how it works.

On Friday, as the CES tech conference in Las Vegas wrapped up, Vuzix posted a demonstration video of its Vuzix Blade smartglasses operating with Amazon's voice assistant Alexa.

Image by Vuzix/YouTube

However, what's immediately apparent is that the video is a visualization of how the dynamic works rather than a live, direct-through-the-device demonstration.

Nevertheless, from an interface perspective, we do get to see how the Vuzix and Alexa combination handles everything from telling you the weather, to returning cryptocurrency value updates, to delivering real-time traffic updates. And it looks pretty damn cool (see video below).

Not long after dropping the first video, Vuzix followed up with a second video (see below), showing off how Alexa responds to voice commands while the user is wearing the Blade device.

Overall, the Blade was a popular example of wearable augmented reality technology at CES this week, winning praise from various attendees as an early look at the future of truly practical smartglasses.

Of course, we won't know how powerful this combination really is until we see a rigorous test of "Alexa on your face" using the actual smartglasses in the field. But if this works anywhere close to what we're seeing in this video, we might begin seeing the Vuzix Blade on a lot more faces in the near future.

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Cover image via Vuzix/YouTube

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