News: Rokid Glass Offers a Fashionable Entry into AR Smartglasses Space

Rokid Glass Offers a Fashionable Entry into AR Smartglasses Space

This year's CES seems particularly obesessed with VR, but augmented reality is offering a few surprises as well. One of those surprises arrived on Monday in the form of China's Rokid Glass.

The consumer-focused AR smartglasses look like a pair of thick fashionista glasses (by way of Warhol) and are currently being shown off at the annual tech conference in Las Vegas.

According to Slashgear, the device, which was produced by China-based AI and robotics company Rokid, weighs 120 grams (about 0.26 pounds), has an OLED display, and uses a Samsung Exynos 8890 processor (which is also used in the Galaxy S7).

In a video posted on Monday, a YouTube user called "Rlab Rokid" (which may be the company's account, although it's not clear) shows off the product presentation commercial for the Rokid Glass.


We can't tell much from the video other than that the glasses have a camera mounted on the nose bridge, a small rectangular screen inside one lens, and arms that appear to snap into place. In the video, the device also demonstrates its voice interaction capabilities, and is shown in a variety of colors, including black, red, and blue.

According to the aforementioned report, the voice you hear in the video is likely part of the company's proprietary voice AI platform, which responds to the wearer's voice commands.

Of course, many companies come to CES promising big things, so it remains to be seen just how good the Rokid Glass really is. In the coming days, if we get an update on how it actually functions in the field, we'll give you an update. In the meantime, it's great to see companies at least tying to give us AR smartglasses that don't look like space goggles.

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Cover image via Rlab Rokid/YouTube

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