News: Welding Simulator Uses Augmented Reality to Teach Students Safely

Welding Simulator Uses Augmented Reality to Teach Students Safely

With products and solutions offered by the likes of Scope AR, Trimble, DAQRI, VIATechnik, and others, augmented reality is becoming a hot commodity for improving productivity while maintaining safety in the construction and manufacturing industries.

Another example of AR in the industry is Soldamatic, a turnkey welding simulator by training software developer Seabery.

Through a welding helmet equipped with sensors and displays, Soldamatic reads QR codes on PVC workpieces and torches. The application overlays 3D imagery to show the trainee the simulated environment and welds reacting to the actions of the user. The simulation is mirrored to a display so that instructors can follow the student's progress.

Accessible by PC or mobile devices, Soldamatic provides instructional content and classroom management and testing tools. Seabury claims teaching with augmented reality simulation can reduce learning time by 56% while reducing lab costs and environmental impact by 68 percent.

Soldamatic reads codes on PVC workpieces and torches and displays 3D simulation. Image by Soldamatic/YouTube

The software has found a home at with manufacturers, namely Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, and John Deere, as well as the education community.

"In my welding program at Northeast Mississippi Community College, I have seen an advance in training time up to 40 hours with the use of the Soldamatic virtual trainers," said Anthony Hardin, welding instructor at the college through a testimonial on the product's website.

Image via Soldamatic

The latest company to adopt augmented reality for training is engineering and construction giant Bechtel, who announced on April 13 the opening of their new welding and applied technology center (WATC) in Houston, Texas. The center provides augmented reality simulations and virtual training, allowing trainees to learn in a safer environment than a live project site. At press time, company representatives had not confirmed which platform Bechtel deployed for the center.

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Cover image via Soldamatic/YouTube

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